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Onsite Health & Safety Advisors in Queensland

Get Peace of Mind with Dedicated Safety Advisors for Your Shutdown or On-Site Jobs
Your Trusted Onsite Saftey Advisors
Providing Immediate Support
Keep Your Employees Safe
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Onsite & Shutdown Safety Specialists

The safety of your workers should never be compromised. Mackay Safety is here to provide you with skilled and experienced onsite Safety Advisors to ensure a secure and safe work environment, regulatory compliance, and peace of mind throughout your operations.

Our Work Health & Safety labor hire service is designed to cater specifically to shutdowns and on-site projects. We understand the unique challenges and risks involved in these projects, and our dedicated Safety Advisors are equipped to handle them with expertise and precision.

Our team of onsite Safety Advisors is well-versed in the intricacies of shutdowns and on-site projects. They have extensive knowledge of industry-specific hazards, regulations, and best practices. With their guidance, you can confidently navigate safety requirements and minimise potential risks.
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Pro-active Workplace Safety Expertise

We believe in being proactive rather than reactive. Our Safety Advisors will be physically present at your worksite, providing immediate support and guidance whenever required. This ensures that safety measures are implemented effectively, and potential hazards are identified and addressed promptly.

We understand that every project is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply won't cut it. Our construction Safety Advisors work closely with you to understand the specific requirements of your shutdown or on-site job. They will develop customised safety plans and strategies that align with your project's objectives, ensuring maximum safety and compliance.

Diligent Safety Management Services

With our Work Health & Safety labour hire service, you can focus on the core aspects of your project, knowing that safety is in capable hands. Our Safety Advisors will diligently manage safety requirements, allowing you to meet deadlines, maintain productivity, and prioritize the well-being of your workforce.
health and safety advisor
We have qualified onsite safety advisors physically present at your worksite
Practicable solutions using both paper-based, and digitized applications
Understand and create a customised solution for your current known risks
Our On-Site Safety Advisors are Here To Help
Got a question about your safety requirements? Give us a call or send us an email and we'll be back to you in no time.


    What is the role of an onsite health and safety advisor?

    An onsite health and safety advisor is responsible for monitoring and managing workplace health and safety. This includes identifying hazards, implementing safety protocols, and ensuring compliance with regulations to create a safe working environment.

    Why do businesses in Queensland need onsite health and safety advisors?

    Businesses need onsite health and safety advisors to minimize workplace accidents, ensure compliance with occupational health and safety regulations, and create a culture of safety among employees.

    Are onsite health and safety advisors only required for high-risk industries?

    While high-risk industries ie. construction may have more stringent requirements, health and safety advisors are beneficial for businesses across various industries to prevent accidents and promote employee well-being.

    What qualifications should an onsite health and safety advisor have in Queensland?

    Onsite advisors should have relevant qualifications in occupational health and safety. Additionally, the worksite may have qualifications and competencies that are needed specific to the industry or work area. Certifications such as a Diploma of Work Health and Safety or equivalent are commonly sought. Experience and knowledge of Queensland-specific regulations are also important.

    How often should onsite health and safety inspections be conducted?

    The frequency and type of inspections can vary based on the industry and workplace conditions. This will be determined by the site specific procedures and relevant risk assessments. Some inspection requirements are regulated such as regular inspections, at least monthly, are common, but high-risk environments, and may require more frequent assessments.

    Can onsite health and safety advisors help with the development of safety policies and procedures?

    Yes, health & safety advisors play a crucial role in developing and updating safety policies and procedures. They ensure that these documents align with regulations and are practical for the specific workplace.
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